Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation in Cardiff

Cardiff Gypsy and Traveller site

There are two residential sites for Gypsies & Travellers in Cardiff, at Rover Way and Shirenewton, both of which are managed by Cardiff Council. Together the sites have 80 pitches.

Each pitch has its own boundary fence and farm-style gate, and a utility building housing a kitchen and bathroom. Electricity is provided via pre-payment meters at both sites, and at Shirenewton water and sewerage connections for principal mobile homes are provided.


The Waiting List

Cardiff Council keeps a separate Waiting List for the Gypsy & Traveller sites in addition to its Common Waiting List for mainstream housing. Anyone aged 16 and over can apply to join the List.

Applicants on the Gypsy & Traveller Waiting List are given points according to their circumstances, and available pitches are offered to the applicant at the top of the waiting list. The Gypsy & Traveller Pitch Allocations Policy is currently being reviewed, but applications are still being accepted. When thinking about your housing options please be aware that demand for pitches is high and waiting times are very long. Very few pitches become available on either site, but there are currently over 30 applicants on the Waiting List.

You may therefore also want to think about other options such as looking for a privately rented house or flat, which are readily available in most areas of the city, or joining the Common Waiting List for a Council or Housing Association home (although again waiting times can be long). You can still stay on the Gypsy & Traveller Waiting List - living in mainstream housing will not affect your position on that list.

Frequently Asked Questions

The answers to the following questions, which many people ask, may also be helpful to you :

Which waiting list should I apply to join - the Common Waiting List or the Gypsy & Traveller Waiting List?

You can apply to join just one list or both - it is up to you. Being registered on one list does not affect your position on the other. Before filling in an application form for either the Common Waiting List or the Gypsy & Traveller Waiting List you should think about the type of housing you need and whether mainstream housing suits you.

Can I apply for both sites?

Yes you can. When you fill in the application form to join the Gypsy & Traveller Waiting List you are given the choice of registering for the Rover Way site, the Shirenewton site or BOTH.

How long will I have to wait?

We can't give you an exact waiting time for a pitch because it depends on how many become available and the number of people already on the waiting list. Pitches don't become available very often and it is therefore likely that you will have a long wait.

Privately rented flats and houses are available via this website, or to find out how long you might have to wait for a Council or Housing Association property you can use the Waiting Time Calculator

Would renting on a private site suit me better?

There are privately-owned sites in Cardiff specifically for Gypsies & Travellers. If you want more information about this contact Gypsies & Travellers Wales on Tel : 029 2021 4411.

What type of tenancy will I be offered?

Pitches on the Council-run Gypsy & Traveller sites are let under the Mobile Homes Act 1983 (amended by the Mobile Homes (Wales) Act 2013). If you are offered a pitch you will be asked to sign a written agreement and will be will be able to keep your pitch as long as you keep to the terms of that agreement.

When you sign the agreement you will be given a document called 'Terms and Conditions of a Written Agreement' which lists the conditions that you are signing up to and must therefore keep to. It also tells you what duties the Council has to you as a Gypsy & Traveller site resident.

Will I be able to claim Housing Benefit?

Depending on your income you may be able to get Housing Benefit to help with your rent for the pitch. In addition to this, if you need to rent a mobile home because you don't have one of your own, Housing Benefit may help with the rental costs. You can use the Council's Housing Benefit Calculator as a guide, but if you need more information contact the Housing Benefit Section on Tel : 029 2087 2087.

Council-run sites in Cardiff

Romani Cultural & Arts Website

Gypsy & Traveller FFT